Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Reiki Healing in a "Need to Know" world.

When I am asked how Reiki works or why Reiki works I often pause and think about the multitude of answers.  On the one hand I have nerdy scientific answers and on the other hand I have beautiful 'leap of faith' based answers.  With our complex and sensitive measuring devices we can measure the light from a Reiki healing.  But because of the nature of the double blind experiment current studies on Reiki are proving difficult to 'prove' 100%.  It is a Quantum Conundrum really, the observer changes the experiment and in this case the Reiki therapist knows they are tapping into our universal source and channeling the "ki" to their patient.  So even if the results of the study say  Reiki works to provide much needed relief and nurturing, there is still doubt in the modern scientific community.

Interestingly though hospitals all over the United States are more and more willing to take that leap of faith.  There are many hospitals here in my area that train their nurses internally to practice Reiki and more hospitals offer Reiki as a complimentary service to their patients.

Our ancestors knew a lot about energy and took it as a leap of faith that energy healing worked.  It wasn't until medicine in the west gave up the concepts of 'humors' and 'temperaments' that western medicine steered so far to the opposite side of energy healing.  And now as more people are left feeling 'mostly better' or maybe even 'let down' with modern western medicine that the resurgence of energy medicine is so strong.

So are you the person that 'needs to know' how Reiki and Energy Medicine works to try it or are you comfortable acting on a leap of faith?  In my next several blog posts I am going to explore the science and faith behind Reiki.  And because I also practice chakra healing and meridian healing I will start blogging about more advanced energy medicines.  Be sure to sign up for my email so that you get a notice when there is an updated blog post.

Many Bright Blessings,
Carmen Tracey

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