In Japanese the word Reiki is a combination of images, called kanji, that have a special meaning or kotodama. There are special types of kotodama called jumon, or incantation. The Kanji of Reiki is composed of two distinct parts, the first can be broken down into Rei - Rain, Mouth and Shaman. The second part is Ki, Steam coming off Cooked Rice.
You often hear Reiki described as the "Secret Mystery" and "Universal Power or Energy" I like to think of it as a Healers connection to the Natural Source of Energy. In other words through teaching from a qualified teacher you learn to access and use the energy of the universe for healing and balance.
What do I mean by Energy? All matter in our universe is made of waves and particles. All waves and particles are packets of energy. One of Einsteins insights is as follows
"A photon, a packet of electromagnetic energy, is a physical reality and its electromagnetic field thins out to zero at great distances away from the center of the vibration or source or center of the energy." So energy is this photon or packet of electromagnetic energy. All the cells in our body give off electromagnetic energy. Inside of all of our DNA strands are packets of Light. All of our energy, or photons, interact with the universe thinning out to Zero.
Zero as it turns out is also a field, A Zero Point Field, which is not a vacuum but rather an always active source of energy with particles popping into and out of existence. So our packets of energy flow away from us out into the universe becoming part of this Zero Point Field.
Reiki is an inherent natural part of this source of Energy. We give light to the universe and we learn how to be a channel for light back to ourselves.