Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Reiki Energy Spirit and Science

As a Reiki practitioner, one of my great joys occurs at the end of a session when someone smiles and opens their eyes as they share their perspective of their session and how it made them feel.  Reiki can be experienced so differently by each individual as the energy works on many levels.  I have watched while new ideas have formed and listened to the excitement of a breakthrough.  I have watched as deep relaxation and a compassionate touch makes pain more bearable.   I have watched as remarkable transformations occur and pain is gone altogether or heaviness is released.  

Reiki Masters and their clients are often satisfied in simply knowing the Reiki works for them, perhaps even at a mystical level. Others may be interested in a more scientific understanding.  How can Reiki work?  How can healing touch influence health?  There may be comfort in knowing that science has identified the electromagnetic fields coming from a Reiki Master’s hands as having a similar frequency to the electric pulses used in electrical stimulation therapies.  

In the human body, information is passed to cells, tissues and organs through electrical charges. A changing electrical charge creates magnetic fields.  Until recently, only complex expensive equipment had been able to measure the human electromagnetic fields.  Now advanced devices can read the electromagnetic pulses from the hands of Reiki Masters.  Scientists measuring the brain waves of a Reiki Healer during a healing session have even discovered that the healers become frequency-synchronized with the earth’s electromagnetic spectrum.

When a Reiki Master is in a healing session they may feel heat, cold, tingling, or pin points of energy that are inconsistent.  These areas of changes have also been measured by modern science to show that a cell that is under stress, trauma or injury pulses at a greater frequency than a normal cell.  These pulses are understood to be potential injuries or precursors to illness.   

Clinical trials abound as Reiki continues to provide deep relaxation and nurturing as a complimentary therapy across many specialized fields of medicine. At the same time world renowned medical institutions including John’s Hopkins and the Cleveland Clinic are actively integrating Reiki services into their patient care offerings.

As a mystical art or a scientific practice or a unique combination of both, Reiki is a growing component of healthcare solutions. Whether your own personal concern is emotional distress, chronic pain, injury & recovery or even daily stress, Reiki may prove to be a valuable component of your healing path.  

Friday, May 18, 2012

Chakras and Nature

Good morning,

Wow, our weather has really been welcoming.  Yesterday when I was out with my dog friends I had a real Heart Chakra Opening Experience.  There was simply so much joy all around me and Zelda and Marzie were so happy, my heart just expanded.  Wow, the experience felt so good.

I know there are numerous times when I am mindfully walking that I notice how much of an impact the natural world has on our chakra and subtle energy systems.  I highly recommend that everyone take the opportunity to enjoy this incredible weather and explore where and how the different elements, birdsong and animals nurture and balance your chakra system.

I heard new birdsong in our neighborhood the last couple of days, I hope you get to welcome new friends into your neighborhood as well.

Many Bright Blessings,
Carmen Tracey

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My First Reiki Experience

I first experienced Reiki when I was 18.  I was working as a nurses aide at a nursing home and the head nurse Cheryl owned a crystal store and had an energy medicine school.  She was often looking for volunteers for her students to practice on and I was one of those volunteers.

Her school and students made a lasting impression on me.  I loved the Reiki energy and frequently experienced profound insights during my Reiki treatments.  I remember one session in particular I had a past life experience that confirmed what I had always felt about myself.  I think that having the gift of Reiki at a critical time in my life made a big difference in the choices I made on my life's path.  18 is a time of uncertainty and insecurities.  Having focused energy sessions helped me remove many of those blockages.  As a result I feel I have been able to fully embrace my inner knowing, feeling confident and secure about my place in the universe.  How great would it be to offer that gift to all young people.  Reiki is suitable for all ages.

I remember another session where the student working on me was telling me all about the energy she was feeling in different locations of my body and what kind of an emotional or mental connection could be made. This insight and knowledge has guided me to this day.  I still use much of that initial information in my own healing sessions.

Her school has also stayed with me all these years.  I remember being very impressed with the professional yet nurturing feel of her classroom.  Her students had hands on practice and direct client experiences.  I am truly grateful to find myself in a position where I get to work with Reiki students, helping them experience and work with the Reiki energy and clients.  I am very excited about the future of energy medicine and I am filled with gratitude that I get to be a part of that future.

I am truly filled with awe when I think of the impact this early exposure has had on my life today.  How fun is that!

If you are considering Reiki, as a treatment or as a life path, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.  I would love to share all the joy Reiki has brought into my life.

Many Bright Blessings,
Carmen Tracey

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Reiki and Advanced Energy Therapies

 Sometimes our bodies, minds and spirits get used to feeling a certain way and we feel stuck, or frustrated.  Often this 'stuck' feeling is an energy blockage.  Sometimes we are too close to the situation for us to recognize the root source of the blockage and we need an energy session.  Not only can an energy session identify areas that we have built up 'gunk' but it can also help renew our spirit and strengthen our resolve.

A Reiki and advanced energy session can help remove the blockages after they have been identified.  The Reiki practitioner, while hopefully proficient in their therapy, is not the one doing the work, doing the healing or fixing, you are.  I want to stress here that Reiki is a truly complimentary therapy, you should create a Holistic Network of support during your work towards the healthy lifestyle that is right for you and after to maintain your desired healthy state.

Some of the possible connections:

1.  is there an emotional cause or connection to the pattern?  if yes, Reiki and energy healing can bring to light the location of the emotion, the root cause, and some holistic options for taking that step towards healing.

2.  is this a mental thought pattern or process?  are you in a loop that is not good for you?  are you full of worry or negative thoughts?  Reiki, through relaxation and chakra balancing and healing can help change those patterns first with identification and through relaxation, come up with a meditation plan that fits your needs.

3.  was there a trauma involved?  maybe you don't recognize how that trauma has effected you but a reiki session might bring that connection to light.

4.  was there a loved one involved?  have you created a connection that is causing a blockage?  Is this a connection that can be removed, healed and then identify ways to not create that connection in the future?  Reiki and advanced energy therapies can bring these areas to light and address a plan of action.

5.  do you have a spiritual practice in place?  I often work with my clients in identifying ways that they connect with spirit/ki/energy/the universe.  Most of the time they had a practice and as they got older forgot to nurture that connection.  While western medicine has separated our health from our vitality, I believe that Reiki and advanced therapies reconnect us to our core vitality.  Nurturing our connection to the earth and universe is very relevant in our state of overall health.

6.  is there a possible connection to karma from your past life or ancestors?  What if you don't believe in a past life connection can this still happen to you?  Yes, at a fundamental level we all share energy with the universe, "to infinity and beyond", we all share history and stored knowledge.  And there are many theories on multiple worlds and time-lines from a quantum universe perspective.

7.  are you in a stress-full or toxic energy environment?  do you pick up emotions and thoughts from other people?   reiki and advanced energy therapies can be helpful in validating your emotional and mental responses to outer influences.  I also work with many people on creating healthy strong auras, that allow positive compassionate energy in and keeps unwanted, draining energy out.

8.  are you in physical pain, suffering from an illness, undergoing therapy, or know what kind of change you need to make but find it difficult, such as losing weight?  Reiki is a very nurturing therapy.  Together with your team of health care professionals you can experience deep relaxation and know that your Reiki practitioner is there for you, unconditionally, to support you on your path.

While sometimes we may be too close to the situation to come up with the answer to what is holding us back, most of the time, deep within, we have an inner knowing.   Working with energy therapies and in particular Reiki, over time you develop a deep loving relationship with your sacred self.   You can discover your path to the healthy lifestyle that is right for you and how to take that first step towards your goal.

Many Bright Blessings,
Carmen Tracey

Friday, January 13, 2012

In Support of Reiki Article from Anna Jarecki

Reiki Treatment
In support of providing Reiki sessions as an integral part of complementary therapies provided to patients living with cancer diagnosis
By Anna Jarecki

When someone you love is diagnosed with cancer, the first reaction is one of disbelief and shock, followed by the need to know everything you can, then the desire to find a cure and provide comfort to your loved one.  In the midst of all the confusion, anger, grief and pain, you are constantly seeking any way possible to provide your loved one with comfort…a way to relieve their pain, their anxiety, and their own struggle to deal with a critical, often fatal disease.

When my mother was diagnosed with lung and liver cancer, 4th stage, she and our family were devastated.  She did opt to receive chemotherapy, which at least temporarily has stalled the progress of her lung cancer, but of course, the therapy diminished her health in other ways, including hair loss, weight loss, lowered energy levels and many physical changes that were noticeable and sometimes, overwhelming.  In the midst of all of these negatives, a great positive occurred when we learned of a complementary treatment known as Reiki.  My mother, who is 82, was willing to try Reiki, which was a bit startling in itself – my mother has never had a massage, gone to a spa, tried meditation and hasn’t even seen a doctor over the last 40 years, except for an occasional pap smear.  Prior to this diagnosis, she took no pharmaceutical drugs whatsoever and only on rare occasion would take an over-the-counter medication for a cold or cough.

My mother is currently receiving home hospice care from Rainbow Hospice of Watertown, which provides her with the most caring practitioners, providing a variety of medications designed to ease breathing issues, as well as to provide my mother with energy and a temporary abatement of her symptoms to maintain a very good quality of life as her disease progresses.  One of the many non-pharmaceutical therapies offered by her hospice providers is Reiki and is the way that we were first introduced to Reiki as a complementary therapy.  She is provided a Reiki session about twice a month as part of her home hospice treatment, but after seeing the great benefit derived from the sessions, we have engaged the services of a Reiki practitioner for twice weekly visits for our mother.  Our primary Reiki provider, Carmen Tracey, provides in-home treatment,  twice a week and is also available on an “as needed” basis.  The connection between my mother and Carmen is one of mutual trust and great respect and the benefits derived are immeasurable, though often difficult to comprehend and appreciate by non-recipients.

During her very first session, my mother was able to take great comfort in the sense of relaxation and peace that she eased into during her Reiki treatment.  In each subsequent session, she has found that she is able to relax even more deeply, to the point of achieving an almost meditative state and after each session, she remarks how balanced and grounded she feels.  Her twice a week, 30 minutes sessions are by far the most valuable and precious treatment she is currently receiving.  I cannot emphasize enough how remarkable a Reiki session can be, whether an individual’s health is compromised or not.  My mother’s response to the treatment has encouraged my entire family to learn more about Reiki, receive treatment and in some instances, seek knowledge to be able to provide Reiki to others.  

It's important to understand that a Reiki treatment can provide one with a sense of relief and tranquility, allowing the patient to at least momentarily, be removed from the immediacy of their every day struggles.  Each practitioner has a unique style; while some practitioners utilize a "hands-on" approach, others do not make any physical contact, though the patient's preference is always respected.  The patient remains clothed and can receive treatment nearly anywhere in their home and in any position.  While my mother initially chose to lay down on her living room sofa, she ultimately chose to receive treatment in her bedroom.  For my mother, Reiki has provided more than just a sense of tranquility and balance; it has also provided pain relief - multiple times.  This type of relief may not be derived by all recipients, but for my mother, it has definitely proven to allay many of her physical complaints which have been a part of her life as continues to live with cancer.   

There is another very important beneficial aspect of Reiki that my mother has received that is very difficult to describe and define.  The Reiki sessions have been of great assistance to our mother in terms of accepting where she is on her journey and allowing her to make the transition from her life here to what she believes will be the “next step” in her journey, beyond life here on earth.  My mother’s quality of life is still very good, despite the fact that she has recently been “re-evaluated” having gone beyond the time period predicted for her longevity following diagnosis.  She is not considering nor desiring an earlier time to depart from this life, but she has experienced moments in her Reiki sessions that have given her insight, serenity and acceptance beyond anything that we could have imagined.  She embraces and enjoys her life day to day, but is not facing constant anxiety in anticipation of what lies ahead and we attribute that to her positive outlook, but we know that Reiki had a tremendous influence on her because of her frank and open discussions about her treatment.   

I would highly recommend Reiki to any individual whose health has been compromised, but would especially recommend it to those whose bodies are weakened by the physical assaults of cancer and its treatments, whether they must endure surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation as well as for their spirits which can be devastated by the physical, mental and emotional anguish that a cancer diagnosis can bring.  It is non-invasive, unobtrusive and most importantly, restorative.  It can be provided to any patient, in any environment; it does not require the removal or addition of any special equipment, devices or apparatus.  It can provide relief from mental, physical, emotional and spiritual anguish and can provide to patients, the "human touch" that may be the one component of care that is overlooked when medical professionals are working diligently to cure diseases, but may, perhaps inadvertently, be neglecting to provide comfort to those who are desperately in need.  Treatments may not provide all of the restorative benefits that I have witnessed my mother and other family and friends receive, but if a treatment provides even one of the many gifts that Reiki has blessed my mother with, then the sessions will prove to be an invaluable tool and resource for patients and their families.    

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Reiki Energy and Water

I wrote before that I would post again on my theories of why Reiki works.  The foundation of my theory is water.  Water is a beautiful and magical element that contains much power, its own awareness and abilities.  Too often we assume that if something can't talk back to us in English with a mouth that it somehow isn't alive, isn't real.  I do not believe this, we can have very real conversations if we learn to open our hearts and minds to other forms of perception.  This conversation between Reiki and Water in my opinion is why Reiki works so well.

Reiki, as we have already noted, is a healing light energy - measurable in the 10hz range.  It is a measurable wave of light.  This wave, channeled from the universe, is a pure healing light wave.

Water has its own frequency, one that is influenced by the DNA that it surrounds.  Each cell in our body is made mostly of water.  Water stores information; the harmonious frequency of the surrounding cells and their biological potential for health and optimal being.  Water communicates these frequencies as well, especially to other water molecules.  If all bodily systems are operating at optimal health your body gives off harmonious frequencies to the environment and universe.

Interference is when two waves of different frequencies come together.  A few things might happen, a couple of which might be:  the two waves will line up and become synchronized or the two waves might cancel each other out.

So lets say that your body is in optimum health and you have a Reiki treatment, what might happen?  Your bodies frequencies will line up beautifully with the light waves of Reiki and you will be filled with harmonious joy.  You will walk away from your session feeling light and free and in open communication with the universe.

What if instead you have an area of your body that is under stress, trauma or illness?  The water in the cells of those areas will vibrate at a different frequency.  A stressed or faster frequency, frequently hot or tingly.  Those waves will become synchronized or canceled out by the light healing frequencies of Reiki, over time.  Maybe this takes several treatments over a long period, maybe it takes an hour.  

It is this communication and sharing of information - the healing frequency of Reiki - between and by water that enables Reiki to work in such a fundamentally nurturing way.

I would add here that this is how we are influenced on an energetic level by our environment.  We are constantly exchanging information with our environment.  Are you surrounded by loud noises, pollution, stress, anger, peace, happiness, joy and so on - these waves and frequencies communicate their information to the water in your cells.  Over time these frequencies will influence the health of your body.

I am looking forward to continuing my posts on energy and medicine.  In the meantime, join me for a Reiki session and check out my upcoming classes at Angel Light -

Many Bright Blessings,
Carmen Tracey